The Power of Course Sharing
Are you ready to shout the impact and value course sharing can have across your institution? For decades, college students have taken classes at nearby schools that offer seats for visiting learners. Now, through Acadeum’s expansive network, your institution can collaborate with like-minded schools near and far to expand capacity, improve student progress, eliminate the headaches associated with transfer credit, and generate new revenue. Ready to learn more? Let’s Go!

Discover Resources, Trainings, and Tools to Grow Course Sharing
Home Institutions (HIs) enable students to enroll in pre-approved courses from like-minded institutions in the Acadeum network. The Home Institution maintains quality control and oversight of courses, and retains a portion of the tuition dollars by keeping students on campus, rather than losing them to transfer courses taken elsewhere.
Teaching Institutions (TIs) make open seats in online courses available to help students from like-minded institutions stay on track. Course sharing helps fill available spots in courses already scheduled to be taught, produces revenue, and fills classes with students from partner institutions across the country, creating a more diverse online learning experience.
Onboarding, Activation & Impact
By joining Acadeum, you are now part of the Acadeum network, platform, and community led by a diverse team with over 150 years of higher education experience.
- The Acadeum Network - Spans 450+ institutions, industry organizations, and strategic partners. Whether it's expanding course catalogs, increasing program offerings, or creating career-aligned pathways, the Acadeum network delivers.
- The Acadeum Platform - Launching course sharing at your institution is made easier by the Acadeum Course Share Platform. Our technology creates institutional efficiencies by connecting home and teaching institutions for critical communication, streamlining course approval, establishing seamless financial exchanges, and providing transparent reporting that allows you to maintain oversight and control.
- The Acadeum Community - A course sharing community awaits you within the Acadeum Community. Not only to you gain network connections, but you also get access to higher education leaders that are willing to partner, share ideas, and offer strategic insight within our online community platform.
- The Acadeum Team - When your institution partners with Acadeum, you gain access to just that, a partner. The Acadeum team has over 150 years of experience in higher education, and together, we will align with your institution's mission while working hand-in-hand to achieve goals.
Discover our series of onboarding, activation, and impact guides to help your institution successfully and strategically implement course sharing.

Onboarding Guide
Home Institution
This guide will walk you through the onboarding phases to successfully and strategically implement course sharing at your institution.
Onboarding Guide
Teaching Institution
This guide will walk you through the onboarding phases to successfully and strategically implement course sharing at your institution.

Activation Guide
Home Institution
This guide will walk you through the activation phases to successfully and strategically activate course sharing at your institution. Identify key moments throughout your institution's academic cycle to bolster enrollment and increase revenue.
Impact Guide
Home & Teaching Institution
This guide will help your institution identify measurement opportunities to attribute to course sharing, discover how to highlight institutional success, and showcase how students benefit from the impact of course sharing.
Partner Maximization Checklist
We have created this checklist of planning items and activities to help your school build a structured and financially sustainable course sharing program with measurable outcomes.

Additional Resources
Join the Acadeum Community to connect with your peers on the Acadeum network. Ask questions, share resources, and discuss best practices at your institution with your colleagues from other institutions.
The Acadeum Support site provides more detailed information and resources about Acadeum Course Share.
Connect with Partner Success
Our Partner Success team meets with institutional leaders one-on-one to recommend the right course sharing strategies to meet institutional goals and get you up-and-running on our network.
Let's Connect
How can course sharing help you achieve your goals?