How Course Sharing Helps Students and Institutions Win

Obtaining a college degree is a dream for many learners as they embark on their collegiate journey. That journey is often met with roadblocks, causing distress for learners and impacting retention and completion rates for colleges and universities.

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Join us for Increasing Impact: How Course Sharing Helps Students and Institutions Win on Tuesday, May 7, 2024. at 1:00 pm EST to discover how course sharing removes barriers to completion. Hear from a panel featuring academic champions across multiple institutions as they share tactics implemented to improve retention and completion rates and highlight the individual stories of success as they make a difference for the learners they serve. 


Discover New Ways To:

  • Improve retention and completion rates 
  • Remove barriers and common roadblocks facing learners
  • Create new pathways to progress learners along the education-career continuum
How Course Sharing Helps Students and Institutions Win (1)

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